Sweet Moves DVD Review

Sugar and spice and everything tight

As a culture, we share a long history of masturbating to workout videos. But other than Jane Fonda's buttock tucks, few exercise routines for home use are as distinctly sexy as Sweetmoves, the sex-positive, bun-crunching "bedroom rockstar workout." Four trained instructors lead a series of short routines designed to heat you up, aerobically supercharge your hip swivel, strengthen your yoga stretch, and kegel your way to longer lovemaking and better orgasms.

The Creative force herself and fellow fit nonathletes "the hot gay guy" and "the hot straight guy" target every muscle in the waist-to-knee zone most critical for sexual stamina. And best of all, they do it in fabulous costumes, from ostrich-feather bikinis to spandex hot pants and body glitter galore. The instructors help keep you motivated ("Slap your ass if you want to!") and provide workout tips ("This one is really good when you have your lover seated behind you"). The accompanying graphics celebrate various body types and sexualities, having fun in the process.

The Sweetmoves DVD is fun to watch, a potential party hit, and a creative idea that our lively San Francisco pervert community will likely embrace. But as real workouts and lifestyle tools, the routines don't always seem thorough enough, nor is there enough instruction regarding how often one should practice to see results. And while the instructors strive to keep the tone carefree, sometimes they're too light with the directions for a beginning bedroom athlete. As foreplay for you and a lover, the workout makes a great addition to the toolbox. But as a regular form of exercise? Believe that you're already a starlet in the sack and keep practicing the real thing. (Karen Solomon)