
OK,so, like any good twelve-stepper with a problem, I have a confession to make: I am completely addicted to Twitter.

I would never in a billion years call myself an early adopter; but then again, I'm not easily daunted by setting the clock on the microwave, either. But Twitter is my newest. latest, and greatest raison d'tech. It reminds me of the unchartered landscape that the Internet was to me back in 1993.

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I'm a Food Crush!

Most writers toil away in utter obscurity, the sole, lonely individual alone at the keyboard, stepping up to the microphone of life and asking, "Testing, testing, is this thing on?"

And every once in a while, we're handed a lovely springtime bouquet from the blogosphere. Some kind fellows over at Bay Area Food Blog were kind enough to call me their Food Crush of the Month. Here's what they had to say:

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