Writers are lazy – but prolific

It's true.  We are.  Just ask any of them.  And to celebrate my laziness, I'm going to post several month's worth of what I've been working on below.

 I have two upcoming stories in the Feb. ish of San Francisco Magazine – one a travel piece on totally interesting Sonora, and one profile of Yelp that is sure to garner me a one-star review by their devoted audience of regular site users.

 I had the pleasure of interviewing Alice Waters, farm-to-table advocate and Chez Panisse founder, for Benefit Magazine.

 For Organic Style, I've written a bite-sized profile of chocolateur  Lillie Belle Farms.

I've just submitted a piece on winter pickles to the SF Chronicle, but I'm unsure of when it will run. 

Oh, and just today I was assigned another story from Pregnancy.  This time – a round-up on herbs for moms-to-be. 

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