Thank you to 18 reasons and to everyone for coming last night! Certainly I cannot remember everything that we tasted and talked about, but here's my lame attempt: We had an amazing spread…more of Tarril's three great pickles (including cherry tomatoes), an outstanding peach chutney and apple butter, excellent Hungarian plum sauces and a cherry port, strawberry jam, Kirsten's delish toffee with chocolate, strawberries with gin, lime, and sugar, and a killer persimmon butter. McEvoy Ranch came and did a sneak-tasting of their new jams they will be selling, and they were great! I also brought some fresh almond milk, chocolate almond spread, sweet red pepper and corn relish, some fresh peach butter…SEE what ya'll missed? :>
Also a shout out to my book designer, Betsy Stromberg from Ten Speed who showed up, and the woman who was there from the Sustainable Economies Law Center talking about the issues of cottage laws for independent food makers.
Next one will happen around three months from now – I'll share the date when we have it.
As always, you can find out more info on the Jam It Salon here.